Tuesday 26 May 2015

7 Major Obstacles that Block Creativity

Hello Entrepreneurs. Creativity is a great attribute to possess. But if its blocked, it affect other aspects of your life, so let's unblock it and keep our creative paths open by identifying 7 major obstacles:

1. Lack of Direction: this refers to lack of clear goalsand objectives written down accompanied by detailed written plan of action.

2. Fear of Failure:  If you're afraid to fail when problems arise you are not prepared to handle or maneuver your way through. Practice becomes perfect. Try if you fail, identify the reasons behind  your failure, learn and move on. Move forward...always forward.

3.  Fear of Criticism: this reminds me of a text in the Bible Ephesians 6:7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people... If you limit your mind, you won't think outside the box, you won't want to do something different. Be innovative, be bold.

4. Striving for Constancy: I remember working at a Cafe while in University and the Chef at the time always cooked boiled bananas in the same pot everyday. Whether or not the demand for boiled bananas decreased or increased he used to the same pot and the cooked the same amount. Sometimes another chef used the pot for something else and he still insistent he wanted that specific pot. Remaining consistent prevents you from doing something new. 

5. Passive Vs. Proactive Thinking: Passive thinkers receive information and does absolutely nothing with it while the proactive thinker find ways to get the job done. When there is no active thinking all is done via routine and this stunts the creative spirit and we know how important this spirit is.

6. Rationalize & Justifying:  By constantly rationalizing your decisions, you cannot learn to improve your performance for business success. 

7. Solving Problems: here we go:

  • first we identify the problem and the decisions this problem requires. 
  • Develop possible causes of the problem
  • Develop possible alternative solutions
  • Decide on or select the best alternative 
  • Implement the chosen alternative 
  • Monitor and evaluate the outcomes
Don't block your creativity...embrace it :)



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