Thursday 12 March 2015

Nothing Comes Easy...I Should Know

My mother fell from stairs when she was 7 months pregnant with me...I didn't come into his world 'easy'. There was pain for most of us to come into this world, but for me there was fighting in every way possible. At 7 months I came into this world fighting for life. I continued fighting to make it through High School selling snacks to get by. I've worked very hard, sometimes I think I work too hard, but this is me...nothing comes easy. In university I went from cleaning toilets and offices to working in one. I went from washing pots to being a chef-cooking in one. I went from looking at tasty pastries in glass cases to having people looking at my own in that same glass case. This is me...nothing comes easy. 

Everything, from a pin to an anchor came with sweat, blood and tears. Its what i do-I work hard and work smart because I can't afford to be stupid-literally. Everything you want, you have to work hard for it-very hard. Do you want to start a business with absolutely zero dollars and zero cents? You can because I did. You have zero dollars but one hundred dreams that can become reality.  You have no limits, except those you assume to be yours. You can defy the odds and rise above anything. Here's how. Trust. Trust in a power that is not your own. A power that move mountains that seemed too tall, a power that levitates you across rough rivers. A power so awesome, that awesome cannot describe it. What am I talking about? The power of God. The one that saved me when my mother fell. The one that showed me a way to complete high school, the one that provided for me in college. That's the God I serve.  I know He bore the cross for me. And He understands my tears and He understands yours. Whatever your going through out there. Your not alone, you never were. Stop trying to do it by yourself because you can't. Let God in your life. Let Him fix all thats broken. Nothing comes easy but we fall only to rise stronger. We are buried, but we are seeds. 

-Christal-Ann Thompson Richards

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